Darling Contagion

must be a devil between us
or whores in my head
whores at the door
whore in my bed
but hey
where have you been
if you go i will surely die

Other Blogs

Sgt Major
Aloha Fairy
Rouge- Couture
When Continued



February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006

Saturday, April 29, 2006

She Is Electric X
6:29:00 PM

She Is Electric X
1:50:00 PM

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I'm delusional, maybe even delirious and I don't know why.
For the past two hours I've been thinking about Max's face.
Max btw, is Law's friend who we smoked out with. He has a cool colonial house...dangnabbit,should have brought my camera.
No,I'm not crushing on him OKAY.
But I am in love with his features. Seriously in love. Like,I have never seen a boy who looked so interesting in my whole life.Imagine flipping through a magazine and seeing a picture of a model like Devon Aoki,but only have her with you in the flesh. You'd go as delirious as me. Right?
If any of you are wondering what the hell is so special about this Max person, picture this:
-Pale Skin
-Dark Hair
-Uber long lashes
-Piercing eyes
-Kiddy teeth (you know the type with like gaps in between and look more like milk teeth on a grown person..it looks so cute when he smiles)
-Pouty red lips
He's so effeminate it's actually cool.
If i were a designer,he would be my muse. Hell, if I were YSL I would dedicate my muse bag to him.
But let me say this yet again, I am not crushing on him.

She Is Electric X
9:40:00 AM

Saturday, April 22, 2006

So this is my last night and I must say I've been busy these past few days tying up the loose ends.
In some cases, it was a rather rushed job, but I did it all the same and hopefully I've done a good job.

My vicious killer dog is in the hospital now and when I broke the news to my close friends they all burst out laughing. Like, not funny la. Ok, yes,I do admit he has sent all of you to the ER on a few occasions,but still! You should see him now, it is so terribly pitiful that even an animal-hater like me is moved to tears. Figuratively, not literally, let's not push it now.

Was a cinekid for abit with Jint today, and totally killed her in the arcade; streetfighter etc.bring it on. Everything was going dandy till this young little punk walked past me wearing LTJ Bukem's 'Unlucky for Some' Tee. I. am. So. Frickin. Pissed. He absolutely had to rub it in by walking by me twice.

Anyway, been smoking out loads, or more than usual. Been to a couple of great gigs, had several good laughs. The alcky has been sweet, the company electric, although I haven't watched enough movies... But enough gotta run.

24 hours later and here I am.
I hadn't realised how dusty the coach has always been till today. I was coughing for 2 hours straight, a record.
I haul my two bags up the flight of stairs, careful to balance my body weight and that of my bag on the precarious steps. I achieve perfect equilibrium. One false move and I will be sent tumbling backwards, my bag will act as some lead weight and drag me to my doom (death).

I survive.
As I always do.

Burst through the door and am greeted by the comforting silence of a lonely room. The papers, dvds, magazines, sheets, all sit as they had done 4 weeks back. I throw my bags to the floor and feel a 'Honey I'm Hooome!' rising in my chest... but it was just a cough. False alarm. Following the ritualistic habit of turning the lights on, I flick the fairy lights on my wall on.Looking pretty. Then comes the lamp by my magazines. The yellow light acts as a spotlight, highlighting the spines of every magazine collected over these past months. Each spine bears the forlorn white creases of magazines read over and over again. Bent and folded, tired and worn, man-handled and abused; they're still good. Like their owner? We'll see.

It is still quiet.
It is still only me here.

I stare at my kettle. I'm sure I can rustle up something (i'll stay away from trying to fry and egg in it this time). I hear footsteps and noises echo through the corridoor and cringe. My body is in a state of confusion. Am I tired or am I hungry? I can't decide, the yellow light seems a pale substitute for the sun back home. I miss it already. You still run through my mind. Thank you.

'You have to learn to fall before you learn to fly.'
Promises. Promises.

She Is Electric X
11:54:00 AM

Monday, April 17, 2006

Something really funny happened this evening at Tango's.

Jint and I were having some drinks and indulging in some meaningful conversation regarding the likes of different brands of vibrators etc. Whilst deep in thought I spied these bunch of guys sitting around indulging in their own sort of 'meaningful conversation' (probably about vibrators too...who knows). One of them sporting a goatee (well, sort of a goatee) and wearing a Bryantt jersey was sitting across. Needless to say, under the guise of getting Jint another drink, I made friendly conversation with him. It turned out the man siting beside him was the owner of Tango's and I told him he was doing a good job. Bryantt himself was pretty aloof but as he made his way out he came over and told me he was making a move and heading to Wala's for abit.

I got his number and waited for L to turn up. Jint meanwhile shot me 'the look'. "Do you know who that is???". This was greeted with a puzzled look on my part,"Who?"." Oh my god.. where have you been?". Another puzzled look followed by, " Uh, nowhere?". " That guy is an actor! You know.. BH from that local tv series T******???". I was still lost, " Uh, what?HAHA T*******? That sounds so stupid". " Yea! He acted opposite this hot woman or something...."

We left it at that, but when L came we headed to Wala's, just to listen to music and not to have a second look at this actor who starred in some confectionary-named local series (what a thought!). The music was on 'wallow' mode and I complained to Bryantt about it(alright, Benjamin, but it's a stupid name anyway). He gave me a ring from the otherside of the room asking me to join him. Honestly, these stupid local stars think they can throw their weight around and order people about. It was almost as if he was half expecting me to trot over and lick his ugly camo- berms (I stayed put, letting the wallow-music induced inertia sink in).

At the end of the night he was cuddling up to some "fugly" bartendress person (in L's own words). That's another thing about local boys... their taste in girls. Of course I'm not jealous or anything, and this incident isn't exactly a dose of thigh-slapping guffaw-inducing hilariousness (if that's even a word), but it's not everyday you meet a local star who's willing to descend from his self-created pedestal to talk to a mere humble nobody of the likes of me.

She Is Electric X
6:28:00 PM

Sunday, April 16, 2006

It was raining cats and dogs today, Uncle B decided to be a real wuss and stay in Bedok because he was afraid he would be crushed by the water droplets which were 'as big as watermelons'. -_- Eugene was nice enough to drag his clubbed out butt to come meet me at starbucks. We had some coffee and I indulged in my most favourite Starbucks drink, Iced Caramel Macchiato, Yes! Running over to cineleisure I was drenched to the knees (ok, I exaggerate, ankles maybe, but it totally soaked the cuffs of my skinny jeans :(. Looked like some drowned out water rat.

Anyway, seeing as I haven't updated in a week, here is the low down. One minute I'm unloved and unwanted, and the next minute I've got too much to handle and have to spend my time letting people down gently. Ok, maybe not so terribly gently because I'm in general quite a self-obsessed person. At the Tiesto gig there was the juggling of party favours, childish admirers, friends and needless to say, my own sanity. The way I dealt with R was by snapping at him. I asked him if he was disgusted with me, just for dramatic effect, but sadly to say, he wasn't. He told me he would like me no matter what but seriously now. I turned my back to him and just sweated it out with L. Tiesto was not as good this time round we have agreed. We were all of us totally munted but it was good fun nonetheless.

I tell myself never again, and I've got the effects to keep me at bay for the next few days. My jaws are hard from the subconcious clenching,and I was the walking undead yesterday having not been able to sleep for 24 hours. I snuck L into my house that night and we lay in bed with him moving around the place waking me up every 3 minutes.

Yesterday M opened a bottle at MOS and there was just alot of bumming around. Uncle B was mesmerized by the dj's computer in charge of the light effects. 'Eh',he said to the computer lady,' you click smoke,then where's the smoke'. She proceeded to click smoke and a series of diffused haze jets sprayed over the room. 'Then, what's the difference between Haze and Smoke?'. Eugene and I were totally cracking up. At the end of the night Uncle B hopped on his pale green scooter that was way too small for him and scooted off into the night. Tres cool.

I am now watching some crazy action flick packed full of cheesy one liners, but the best bit is this scene where both action dudes are trapped in a room full of people who've had one face lift too many and the only way they can survive is to have fresh body parts transplanted onto their faces. Creepy beverly hills plastic surgeon walks up to female captive and grabs her breasts before remarking, 'by god, they're real!'. So much for an action flick.

She Is Electric X
11:45:00 AM

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I had thought once my need to feel appreciated was satisfied, it would be over.
Apparently, like with most other things, I was wrong,or at least, not entirely right.
The poetry gets better with my absence and I miss the clumsy sentences.
I don't even know what I'm ranting on about right now, if this can be called a rant. All I know is there is electricity in these veins because of my new addiction- coffee.
I love and I know I'm counting the seconds till I hear the quiet shatter in my chest echo throughout this vessel of a body.
The sound that is made when a heart breaks.
With some people, it is a whisper that flutters in and out and they don't realise they have been broken. Broken in. Or Broken. Either way, they live on in ignorance.
With others, it clangs and hammers, reverberates and everyone knows and hears, the disquieting sadness which follows.
With myself... With myself... With you...
We breathe into each other's mouths and kill our spirits off.
One by one.
I don't know who to blame or if there really is anyone to blame for this painful rite of initiation.
We will be happy,baby.
We must be happy.

She Is Electric X
10:45:00 AM

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Lawrence and I came to an agreement the other day that the best thing any single person could wish to be would be an amoeba. Strictly asexual, it leaves alot of time and energy for one to indulge in excessive ammounts of me-time without feeling lonely. Afterall, you would be biologically programmed to love nooone but yourself. Furthermore, should you ever feel lonely (or horny for that matter), all your amoeba self would need to indulge in would be simple binary fission and trala! You got two you's! No wasting of time and energy looking for mister right, or crying over spilt milk or the need for reciprocity... Throw that all away and be an amoeba I say. Or one of those scary sea creatures in Ice Age 2. I take dibs on the purple one.

The weekend was great. I can't remember what I did on Friday. Oh yes, went down to Zouk for a really mellow night and a couple of drinks. Did some socialising which always makes me happy. Nigel and Han were missing but met up with David and Jono. Fake was trying to get this girl jealous (or turned off), and thought the best way to do so was to act extra intimate with me. *Rolls eyes*.I doubt it really works if he kisses me on the cheek before proceeding to burn me with his cig by accident and vice versa.

Saturday was mindblowing. I might be exaggerating a little bit, but it was awesome fun anyway. Headed up to the Liquid Room for the first time with Mel,Anna,Melvin,Seb,Anne,Anna's friend whom I can't remember the name of (oh yes, Charmaine..or smth) and got free shots from the manager. C got really drunk half way and like a reed in the wind her skeletal frame was crushed by the enthusiastic crowd of army boys around us. As expected, it was over a guy *sigh*, so I just told her to forget it. But as I have learnt from experience, it's easier said than done but it will be for the better. I guess. Boys, they're nothing but trouble.

So there was alot of martell sloshing, shots popping, sloppy chugging with the army lads. I reckoned it'd be wicked to get them pissed so as Janesh was getting my baby Jon to down martell straight from the bottle I chimed in 'Chug! Chug! Chug!', which inevitably led to them turning their attentions on me. Janesh looked at me and said,' wow,you're so smart to talk ah...' before holding my head and making me down some martell. Needless to say I just sipped a little before the rest of the boys told him to leave me alone. It was totally wicked.

At about 2 am I was called to save lives (i.e the lives the of Lawrence and brit friend Pixel or Pikel ..whatever). Fighting my sleep and throbbing feet he was aching to dance so Rey accompanied me to Indochine with those hyper kids. It was so nice of him :) Whatever is happening now just seems like one big wave of deja vu all over again. The random conversations, the monotonous texts and the general feeling of reptition is concealed by my conviction that this is a new start. *bull*. I can name a string of people who have walked with me through this familiar path before.Anyway, I don't want to think too much about it. As proven by the past, thinking too much doesn't get anyone anywhere or anything. Thinking begins descend into dwelling before the gradual slip into self-pity and finally, paranoia.

Live for the moment. Live like you'll live forever. Stupid naive notions that belong to a brighter past. The neversaydie motto was ours as we repeated them like mantras in our sleep. I still believe in that, perhaps it is now laced with a certain knowingess and sense of inevitability, but anyway, step by step honey. Step by step.

She Is Electric X
10:03:00 AM

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Everybody needs therapy, some are just to stubborn (or weak) to admit it. Take me for instance. I was quite content sitting in the 'lounge' sipping my Kir and feeling my throat shrivel and gag at all the smoke consuming us. I was quite happy (or resigned) to the comfortable silence between us and indulge in unproductive thoughts as I stared at some Japanese cooking show flashing on the unecessarily huge plasma screen.

'You've got to snap out of it'

'No. Ok, well maybe, but I can't ok. I just can't. It's too much of a habit'

The more I stared at that sodding Kir the more I needed to get out of the den of a place. I could barely breathe from the amount I wolfed down at dinner and the self-pity I was feeling wasn't helping. So we hopped into a cab and went down to some sleazy old bar (of which I forget the name of) to meet J and friends. I seriously have never been to a joint like that. Not even in my dreams. It was next to the sleazy place I got my tattoo. Both places appeared to have some competition going on between the two of them as to who can out-sleaze the other. The cafe won hands down.

The point is, tonight was a strange night. I met Nigel, who would have guessed, AND Darryl, my first boyfriend. We had moved the party to Zouk and it was the first time I saw him in 4 yrs. I pretended not to notice him over the bar casually glancing over his head but he found me first.

'Hey, you're Lavinia right?'
'Yea.. and you are... Oh! Darryl! Darryl right!' ( Pssh, as phony as anything, but hey, we swapped numbers and that was it).
I'm really glad that despite the fact I wasn't too great to him ,all is forgiven and we can treat each other with enough warmth and humour, I like that.

Big up on the free drinks. Anna bought me one and this random German guy got me one too. Sweet.


Caught Transamerica yesterday. It was good. I like to think I'm pretty openminded but I draw the line at seeing the shadow of balls through transluscent panties *shudder*. Felicity Huffman was brilliant, but there were some bits (no pun intended) where I just found myself nodding off to sleep.

Had a few drinks, and then another few cigs before getting caught in the middle of a fight between my aunt and my headstrong cousin. I hate being in positions like that.

Anyway, I'm being eaten alive by mosquitos right now so this is it.

She Is Electric X
7:14:00 PM

Monday, April 03, 2006

Survived the weekend... just barely.

Bukem's gig at Home was breathtaking,literally and figuratively. After that potent flaming Lambo all I could see was him. I could have danced all night if the room hadn't been spinning so much.When finally James and Cain arrived it had already hit me and they had to literally carry me to the toilet and carry me back, very unglam. But Bukem was SO GOOD I miss him SO much, my heart aches for him and the fact that I forgot to get a teeshirt to commemorate the event makes it hurt even more.DAMN IT.

Anyway, that night, aside from the fact that I almost got hit by a car in my drunk state (it seems my incapability of crossing roads isn't helped by alcohol), I managed to see myself home. This was the first time I've felt this over alcohol- absolute abhorrence. Sat in my bathroom for an hour, then I got bored feeling ill and suppressed the oompa loompa images dancing before my eyes and had a shower.

Sunday was just one big blurry,cloudy, dense hangover. My body was aching for some strange reason and watching a boring movie like Ice Age 2 didn't help. Tan Clan dinner shortly after wasn't good for the headache. By 9pm the pulsating imaginary DnB beats in my head had subsided to a mellow thump, which was aways good.


Nothing much happened today, couldn't sleep so waking was the logical alternative.
Met up with Jint for drinks despite the fact that I had vowed never-again.
Oh well.... Such is life...

This is testimony of the fact that I can't take pictures for nuts.

This shirt was worth a handphone.
Jint bought this shirt in Zara and her phone got stolen shortly after... Tra laaaa

She Is Electric X
4:15:00 AM